Inspirational Black Men and Women in Medicine: Dr. Sonya M. Sloan, #OrthoDoc, On 5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career In Medicine: AN INTERVIEW WITH JAMIE HEMMINGS

Inspirational Black Men and Women in Medicine: Dr. Sonya M. Sloan, #OrthoDoc, On 5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career In Medicine: AN INTERVIEW WITH JAMIE HEMMINGS

Respect: Rule #4 in my book, The Rules of Medicine, is knowing the janitor’s name. My mother taught me that respect for others would teach people how to handle you and make others listen to you more attentively. While working in the VA hospital, I knew the name of every janitor in the OR and…

A letter to my fellow superheroes: Medical professionals on the frontlines of COVID-19

A letter to my fellow superheroes: Medical professionals on the frontlines of COVID-19

Dear Superheroes, Hey, how’s it going? Yes, pretty freakin’ SURREAL is a great way to describe the worst world-wide medical disaster in our lifetime. I understand you are extremely busy saving lives, but I wanted to tell you THANK YOU! Truth be told, thank you really doesn’t do you justice. I don’t think there are…

Gender bias in medicine: What can women physicians do to overcome it?

Gender bias in medicine: What can women physicians do to overcome it?

The United States has been a slow brewing cauldron of gender bias for years. With increasing tensions and an unspoken, formidable energy in most workplaces and educational institutions, women have grown restless. The culmination has and is resulting into an empowering movement for gender equality (#womensrights). And the medical profession is not immune. I wasn’t…

Telemedicine in Surgery: Efficiencies for Pre and Post Surgery

Telemedicine in Surgery: Efficiencies for Pre and Post Surgery

Welcome to the Executive Innovation Show Podcast, brought to you by One Touch Telehealth. During this podcast hear host, Carrie Chitsey, talk with Dr. Sonya M. Sloan, Andy Poole, and Dr. John Noble, Jr. Dr. Sonya M. Sloan, better known as #OrthoDoc, has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the male-dominated field of…



Empathy…it is one thing to take care of a patient — to diagnosis, prescribe medications, and operate on them — but being the patient is a whole other animal. I know this experience, firsthand. During my residency, I discovered that it was going to be very difficult to have children due to an unforeseen medical…

Top 10 things to know when working for the Indian Health Service

Top 10 things to know when working for the Indian Health Service

Healthcare does not just lie within the corridors of the newly constructed clinic or hospital. In fact, some would say that the practice of medicine is experienced at its’ best when one is challenged with out-of-the-ordinary surroundings, unexpected conditions, and serving an underprivileged population. If you have ever had the opportunity to work on an…